My six year old daughter, Emma and I were having a conversation the other night on the way home from church. The topic of discussion on this particular ride home was Hell. Emma wanted to know where Hell was, what it was like, and who went there. After we had a pretty detailed conversation about Hell she finished our conversation with these words as we pulled into the driveway: "Daddy, I gotta tell my friends about Jesus so that they don't go to Hell!"
The amazing thing was not just that my six year old daughter realized the consequences of a life without Jesus but the truly amazing thing that hit me was her genuine concern over the lostness of her friends. There was such conviction and compassion in her voice. She didn't just say this half-heartedly - there was a lot of "umpphh" behind what she said!
That night I was faced with my own lack of concern over the spiritual condition of those that live around me. I was confronted with my own lack of fervor over the lost in my community. In one single sentence from a six year old God reminded me of my responsibility as a believer - to tell others about Jesus. I have resolved to not let my daughter's enthusiasm to share Jesus surpass mine again - but to be more active in sharing Jesus with others. I am reminded of what John said in 1 John 4:10-11:
“This is love: not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” 1 John 4:10-11
If we love others we ought to share the gospel with them. If you would like to hear more about Jesus I would be happy to share with you all about His love, compassion, mercy and grace for you. If you want to know more about how to live a life eternally secure in the Salvation of Jesus Christ I would be honored to tell you. If you need encouragment to share the Gospel with your neighbor - I am praying for you!