This is a Powerful Video

Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 comments

It has been a long time since I blogged. I really need to get back into the habit of blogging. I was checking out Brock Gill's site and found this video. It's a very powerful video. I would encourage you to check it out and let me know what you think.


Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 comments

It's 10pm at my house, Emma is asleep, Amy's scrap booking and I am bored! It's too quiet. I don't know what to I have spent the last two hours playing with a really cool Internet browser called flock. It's a really cool browser for you networking folks. It keeps track of Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and others. I'm digging it and thought I would share it with you! You can check it out for yourself at! Have fun!

A Really Cool Video

Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 comments

Stop & Smell the Roses...

Posted by: Ricc Conner, 1 comments

I was in one of the local coffee shops with my daughter Emma yesterday. We go there at least once-a-week after school to get an ice cream sundae (don't ask why we get one at a coffee shop). While sitting there with Emma I couldn't help but over hear the conversation that the owner and some of the patrons were having. They were talking about how grateful they were. Grateful for being able to see the sunrise each morning. Grateful for being able to smell the flowers. Grateful for being able to walk and see and live life. I got to be honest, it was refreshing to hear a conversation of gratitude rather then what I usually hear - grumbling. Grumbling about gas prices, jobs, bosses, spouses, and whatever else you can think of.

I left the coffee shop in a better mood than I went in. It's amazing how when we think on the good things that God has blessed us with how are outlook on life can change from half-empty to half-full! I really appreciate that coffee shop! I really appreciate the attitude of those folks. I really appreciate God for allowing me the opportunity to be an innocent bystander - I needed to stop and smell the roses myself yesterday!

Paul was on to something in his letter to the Philippians when he said, "Rejoice in the Lord always...and the God of peace will be with you." (Philippians 4:4-9, NIV) May the God of peace be with you today, tomorrow and forever!


Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 comments

Daddy, What's Hell?

Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 comments

My six year old daughter, Emma and I were having a conversation the other night on the way home from church. The topic of discussion on this particular ride home was Hell. Emma wanted to know where Hell was, what it was like, and who went there. After we had a pretty detailed conversation about Hell she finished our conversation with these words as we pulled into the driveway: "Daddy, I gotta tell my friends about Jesus so that they don't go to Hell!"

The amazing thing was not just that my six year old daughter realized the consequences of a life without Jesus but the truly amazing thing that hit me was her genuine concern over the lostness of her friends. There was such conviction and compassion in her voice. She didn't just say this half-heartedly - there was a lot of "umpphh" behind what she said!

That night I was faced with my own lack of concern over the spiritual condition of those that live around me. I was confronted with my own lack of fervor over the lost in my community. In one single sentence from a six year old God reminded me of my responsibility as a believer - to tell others about Jesus. I have resolved to not let my daughter's enthusiasm to share Jesus surpass mine again - but to be more active in sharing Jesus with others. I am reminded of what John said in 1 John 4:10-11:

“This is love: not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” 1 John 4:10-11

If we love others we ought to share the gospel with them. If you would like to hear more about Jesus I would be happy to share with you all about His love, compassion, mercy and grace for you. If you want to know more about how to live a life eternally secure in the Salvation of Jesus Christ I would be honored to tell you. If you need encouragment to share the Gospel with your neighbor - I am praying for you!

March 3, 2008

Posted by: Ricc Conner, 1 comments

What's so special about March 3, 2008? It is the day that my daughter asked Jesus into her heart. Her mom and her were driving back from the Strawberry Festival singing, Here I Am to Worship along with the iPod. Out of the blue Emma asked her mom to turn down the radio and told her she wanted to pray and ask Jesus into her heart. After a few minutes of discussion my little girl prayed to receive Christ. She said she didn't want to live without Jesus, that she wanted Jesus to be with her always and that she wanted to live her life for him.

Our cars met side by side at a traffic light on 27 and Emma, with a huge grin on her face, rolled down her window and motioned for me to do the same in my car. I rolled down my window and heard her shout, "Daddy, I asked Jesus into my heart!" It was an amazing moment. You could see the joy in her little heart as she screamed those words out of the car window. I was so proud of her. We got home and talked about her decision. She is so excited and ready to be a follower of Jesus. March 3, 2008 my little girl gave her life to Jesus and this day has now become one of the most important days of my life! This is cause for celebration in the Conner home!

Amazing Prayer

Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 comments

I realize I am always bragging on my daughter but she's just so darn cute and I am so proud of her. Just the other day we were driving home from school and she was telling me about how one of her classmates stopped breathing in class that day. She was really concerned about the little guy and mid sentence she stopped and said, "Daddy, we need to pray for him right now!" I gotta admit, my eyes welled up with tears. Emma was genuinely concerned about her little friend and she wanted to talk to God and ask Him to take care of her little friend. It gets better. She didnt wait for daddy to pray - she just began to pray the most amazing prayer. I am so encouraged by her mountain size faith. The challenge for a dad is to continue to model that faith for her in the years to come. I have been so blessed by my little girl and thank God for her. Emma you rock little girl. Thanks for encouraging your daddy to keep loving God with that giant sized faith.

Life Truly Is Short

Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 comments

Yesterday I began my new position at First Baptist by visiting a young man who has been in the hospital since August due to a brain aneurysm. As we drove back from Tampa I was reminded that life is truly short. You never really know when your card may be punched. When your time is up. When game over. I began to think about that and couldn't help but ask myself - Am I making the most of every moment? It made life seem a little more surreal. It made me think about what I am doing here. Fortunately, the young man I visited is doing well. He is definitely not out of the woods and has a long way to go but it is obvious that God is not done with him. If you get the chance pray for Derek today. I am grateful for yesterday. For the reminder in my life that each day is a precious gift from God and I should use each day to make a difference in this world. Derek I am praying for you bro.

What Happened to the Clowns?

Posted by: Ricc Conner, 1 comments

Yesterday was a great day between a father and a daughter. Emma and I had the opportunity to go see the Ringling Brothers Circus yesterday. It was so amazing to see the circus through the eyes of a 5 year old. Emma had the opportunity to try out the trapeze and try on some genuine circus costumes. We saw some amazing things. I gotta admit that I was bummed that there was only one clown in the entire show! How can you have a circus without 12 clowns coming out of the little car? I am disappointed in the lack of my face-painted friends. Please Ringling Brothers...send out the clowns. Clowns aside, Emma and I had the most amazing day!


I'm just a simple guy doing my best to love God, love people and do my part to change the world. I'm a husband to an amazing wife. A dad to an awesome daughter. A step-dad to three incredible boys. A friend to a few. A pastor too many.

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