Planting a church is hard. There, I said it. There is so much to do, so many people to love on, and visions to share. It can become so consuming. It can consume you. Not to mention the disappointments along the way. People will let you down. They will make empty promises. They will bail on you. They will be human. Someone asked me the other day for some advice on planting a church and three things came to mind immediately:
1. Don't do it if God hasn't called you to it! If God has not welled up within you a passion, a desire and a calling to plant a church do NOT go down that road. Birthing a church is painful. It's labor intensive. It drains your spirit. If God isn't in it you will crash and burn.
2. Protect Your Marriage. The last thing that the evil one desires is for a missional church to be birthed. It's the most dangerous kind church. It's alive. It's living on mission. It's becoming a refuge for the lost. So the evil one will do whatever it takes to destroy God's leader so that the birthing never happens or dies soon after birth. We all know that the evil one hits below the belt and there is nothing more devastating to a baby church than a marriage that is crippled. Guard your marriage. Make it a mighty fortress.
3. It's not for the faint at heart. Birthing a church is not for the squeamish. It's like walking among hungry lions at feeding time. It's the most treacherous roller coaster known to man. It take "kahunas" to give birth to a church. Make sure that you've got what it takes to survive the ride.
That's my top three. My good friend Hal warned me of each of these. I thought he was crazy. two years later I can say with absolutely no hesitation he was definitely right! Thanks for the warning bro!
Jesus told his followers to consider the cost to roll with Him. If your contemplating giving birth to a new church - no matter what it looks like - you might want to consider the cost now rather than later.
Planting Churches - Part 1
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 commentsMiracles!
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 1 commentsThis week has been an week full of blessings. Amy and I got to go out on a date Monday night - just the two of us as one of our friends offered to watch Emma for us. On Tuesday I got to spend the afternoon with Emma at Disney World and she rode Space Mountain for her very first time and loved it! Then last night we had a very packed Community Group as two community groups combined into one for an evening of fun. It was a really sweet night as we gathered around one of our church families and prayed for their needs! It was so good!
I can hardly wait to see what tonight brings! I don't know about you but I am learning how to find so much joy in the little things that God does in my life. These little things are 'miracles'. They are gifts from God. I believe that Highlands is one of those 'miracles'. It is a church that is becoming. I hope that you are a part of the miracle! Hey, birthing a church is painful, just like any birth, but the rewards following makes it so worth it!
I look forward to seeing what kind of church Highlands becomes! I believe that God wants it to grow, to be about changing lives, and to multiply into many churches!
The Courage Of My 5 Year Old
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 commentsOn the ride home I was thinking about Emma's courage and asking myself - why is it so hard for us to have that kind of courage when it comes to our journey with God. Why am I so afraid to share my story with others. Why do I hesitate to ask my waitress what I can pray for? Why do I not talk to my neighbors more often? Why is it that my 5 year old daughter can get on a huge roller coaster (for a 5 year old) and not think twice about it and sometimes I find myself struggling to share my story with the lady that cuts my hair?
Then it came to me - I don't have the courage of my 5 year old. What did Jesus say? Come as a child (Matthew 18:3). I have so much to learn from my little girl. Her passion for life. Her amazing trust in God and her fearless heart. I want so much to be like my 5 year old daughter.
Anyway, today was a great day...a milestone in her little life - today was the day my 5 year old daughter rode Space Mountain for the first time and loved it! You know what her first words were when we got off the ride were? Let's do it again! Let's do it again! Maybe I will begin to have that kind of passion after I share my story tomorrow. Let's do it again! Let's do it again, God!
A Page Out of My Journal
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 comments"Deny Self" 9-4-07
"This is one of the only requirements that you made to follow you - deny myself, take up my cross and follow you (Mark 8:34). How does one live on the narrow road in Matthew 7:13 that always leads away from self - my road tends to lead me straight back to me. How do I get off this train wreck of self-gratification? How do I reflect everything to you in this very selfish culture? I want to submerge - no, I want to drown myself in you - dying to my self - and brought back to life with the true mark of one of your followers - self denial. So much to die to - my fears, my pride, my stubbornness, my "I can do it" attitude, my selfish desires. Could this dying to self be the home of joy? Does that fruit of the Spirit called joy live in this land of denying self? If so, I am ready, I am ready to dive in to the pool of denying self. I am ready to drown my selfishness and rescue my life of joy by taking up my cross, denying my self, and following You! Here I go - one, two, three - splash!"
How's Your Storytelling Going?
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 commentsBeen Tattooed?
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 commentsIt has been awhile since I last entered a blog, huh? Yesterday me and three of my pastor friends spent the day in Orlando visiting a variety of Tattoo shops as "research" for our upcoming message series called, The Marks of a Disciple. I know you are wondering right away, did anyone get a tattoo? Ricc, did you get a tattoo? Well, I'm not saying I did and I'm not saying I didn't.
So while we were visiting the shops one of the tattoo artists said this, "if you believe it then why don't you wear it?" What a statement. If we believe we are followers of Christ then why don't we wear the markings of a follower of Christ. Woooo hoooo, that's good stuff. Paul said it this way in Galatians 6:17, "Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus."
I have been spending the morning asking myself, "Ricc, do you bear the marks of a follower of Christ?" That is where the journey begins...defining what those marks are. I am sure there a few and just like tattoos they should become a part of who we are. "If you believe then why don't you wear it?" That tattoo guy was right. Do you believe? Do you bear the marks of what you believe? By the way, my friend Joel got to share His story with that tattoo artist. Maybe one day soon he will bear the marks of Jesus.
Till next time keep running the race and keep sharing your story!
Break Out The Salt Shaker
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 commentsA few weeks ago I was asked to speak at one of our sister churches. The topic that was given to me was from Matthew 5:13-16. You probably know it you just don't realize it. It's the message that Jesus gave on Salt and Light! I thought to myself, "Man, why do I have to do Salt and Light? That's so cliche'! Nobody wants to even hear it."
Yet, as I was preparing for the message I began to read the scripture in Matthew 5:13 where Jesus says, "You ARE the salt of the earth." That's as far as I got. I read it again. "You ARE the salt of the earth." Notice he didn't say, "you MIGHT be the salt of the earth." He didn't say, "someday you will become the salt of the earth." Jesus told us believers that WE ARE the Salt of the earth.
We are called by Jesus to be Salt. What does that mean? I remember when Amy and I first started dating. She put salt on everything. We would go out on a date to Olive Garden and she would put salt on her bread-sticks. Then we would go to the movies and she would put half the salt shaker on her popcorn. I thought to myself, "Man this girl really likes her salt."
Well, for salt to do any good it must be added to something. It must make contact with the thing that we want to be salty. In my wife's mind that is most kinds of foods. In our spiritual world that is people, specifically those people that do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. To be salt, we must rub shoulders with those that have no salt.
This verse is so powerful for us. Jesus took the time to tell us what our relationship with the rest of the world should look like. Guess what? It involves us getting out of our shells and rubbing shoulders with the world. I sat at Popeye's today (healthy right?) and as I looked around at all the people in the Popeye's I was reminded by the Spirit to be salt. So, I was very intentional in my conversations. Nothing of significance happened. But I am determined that I am going to be a man of salt. This is a good verse. This is a great verse. This is a verse that can transform our communities and we haven't even gotten to the light bit yet!
All that to say, let's not just say, "Be Salt. Be Light." Let's BE salt and let's BE light in a dark and spiritually bland world. Pray for me as I strive to be saltier and I will pray for you that you will do the same! I have a new respect for Matthew 5:13. It's no longer just some cliche' - it's a verse that I need to hear in my life daily! Till next time, let's keep sharing our story and hey - be careful out there!
Songwriter You Are?
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 comments"Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done MARVELOUS things;" Psalm 98;1 - emphasis mine.
Oh how he has done MARVELOUS things in my life alone, not to mention the rest of the world and all of history. He has done GREAT things. As I look back on my own life I realize just how long the list of things he has done for me is and that doesn't even include the gift of Salvation. God has protected me, he has saved me, he has corrected me, he has faced the consequences of my choices with me, he has comforted me, he has loved me in my rebellion, he has guided me through the darkness, he has nudged me through my fears, he has carried me through the dessert, he has refreshed me when I can go no more, he has done so much for me. Oh how he has done so much for me. Then there is the gift - the greateast gift ever given to any one person - the gift of salvation. The gift of eternal life with the Creator. He has truly done MARVELOUS things!
I find myself feeling so good about all those MARVELOUS things and yet a part of me feels shame because at times I feel like I have taken those MARVELOUS things for granted. I haven't sang a new song to the Lord. I haven't said those simple words that I work so hard at teaching my daughter to say, "Thank You." Oh God, Thank you for the countless and MARVELOUS things you have done. I will sing to you a new song. I will praise you, I will give you credit, I will do that one thing that I was created to do - worship and glorify you. It is your kindness that has led me to repentance (Romans2:4)!
How MARVELOUS you are Lord - How great is your name and worthy to be praised. You are truly amazing and worthy to be praised. Most of all, thank you for your gift of salvation!
May you be encouraged today to sing a new song!
Caution: Idleness Ahead
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 commentsAs I was reading this week in 2 Thessalonians I was reminded of Paul's advice to the church of the Thessalonians and to us today. He said, "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers, to keep away from every brother who is idle and does not live according to the teaching you recieved from us." (2 Thes. 3:6).
My first hint that this was some pretty strong advice was in the way he began..."In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ". I don't know about you but that got my attention. There a people in the church that are doing nothing but waiting around for the second coming of Jesus Christ. They are not working, they are not encouraging, they are doing nothing but as my friend Sam Glen once said, "leaving butt prints in the sand."
Don't get me wrong, they were excited about Christ's return, so excited in fact that they seemed to have just stopped doing anything. Stopped working, stopped sharing, stopped encouraging, stopped period. They became idle.
As I read this I thought to myself that Paul must be writing this because there was great potential in this church for idleness and possibly even complacency. I believe the potential for this is even greater today and that's when the light bulb went off. I must, we must, surround ourselves with people who are motivated, excited, engulfed by the cause of Jesus Christ. That kind of ferver is contagious.
But idleness is contagious also. It's like a dog with fleas. If you hang around it long enough your gonna get fleas...your going to become idle. I don't want to become idle. I don't want to be yet another impression of butt prints in the sand.
I wrote this in my journal this morning and hope it will be some encouragement to you..."I must surround myself with fools for Christ. Those that have a ferver beyond the average - it's contagious but so is idleness - it's contagious also - I must stay away from idleness"
Isn't that what Paul said, "keep away from every brother who is idle..."?
Lord, your ways are SO not mine. Yet I learn more and more about you! I pray that I might be surrounded by radicals in the faith - those that are excited to serve you! May I be aware of that that lack ferver and stay clear!
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 1 commentsMy friend Joel came right over to give me a ride home and my friend Steve came from Mt. Dora with a trailer to pick up my ailing bike and take it home. I share all this to say that today I got to see KINDNESS in action. This past week I have thinking about that word kindness a lot because our next message series, Change Your World, is all about kindness. I found a quote about kindness that said, "Is it not the kindness of God that leads to a radical life change." I've browsed many websites sharing ideas for random acts of kindness. But today I experienced Kindness and let me tell you something - it was good.
It changed my attitude. It made a difference in my great morning gone bad. It was just what I needed. I needed to experience kindness.
I guess I share this because I am all about transforming the community in which I live and today I was ever so reminded that it can begin with kindness. Kindness towards people you know and kindness between you and a complete stranger.
God has been so kind to me. He has redeemed me from an eternal life seperated from me. He has been a source of hope and encouragement for me in my darkest times. He has been a perfect example of kindness to me. Now I have been challenged by God to take my level of kindness to the next level and begin to share that kindness with others just as Tom, Joel and Steve did for me today!
Wow! I am so blessed to be where I am and to experience the kindness of God through those around me. Thanks Tom, Joel, and Steve. I hope to be KINDNESS to someone else today. I hope someone may blog tomorrow about the kindness they recieved today from God through me. Why not be KINDNESS for someone today!
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Colossians 3:12