On the ride home I was thinking about Emma's courage and asking myself - why is it so hard for us to have that kind of courage when it comes to our journey with God. Why am I so afraid to share my story with others. Why do I hesitate to ask my waitress what I can pray for? Why do I not talk to my neighbors more often? Why is it that my 5 year old daughter can get on a huge roller coaster (for a 5 year old) and not think twice about it and sometimes I find myself struggling to share my story with the lady that cuts my hair?
Then it came to me - I don't have the courage of my 5 year old. What did Jesus say? Come as a child (Matthew 18:3). I have so much to learn from my little girl. Her passion for life. Her amazing trust in God and her fearless heart. I want so much to be like my 5 year old daughter.
Anyway, today was a great day...a milestone in her little life - today was the day my 5 year old daughter rode Space Mountain for the first time and loved it! You know what her first words were when we got off the ride were? Let's do it again! Let's do it again! Maybe I will begin to have that kind of passion after I share my story tomorrow. Let's do it again! Let's do it again, God!
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