This week has been an week full of blessings. Amy and I got to go out on a date Monday night - just the two of us as one of our friends offered to watch Emma for us. On Tuesday I got to spend the afternoon with Emma at Disney World and she rode Space Mountain for her very first time and loved it! Then last night we had a very packed Community Group as two community groups combined into one for an evening of fun. It was a really sweet night as we gathered around one of our church families and prayed for their needs! It was so good!
I can hardly wait to see what tonight brings! I don't know about you but I am learning how to find so much joy in the little things that God does in my life. These little things are 'miracles'. They are gifts from God. I believe that Highlands is one of those 'miracles'. It is a church that is becoming. I hope that you are a part of the miracle! Hey, birthing a church is painful, just like any birth, but the rewards following makes it so worth it!
I look forward to seeing what kind of church Highlands becomes! I believe that God wants it to grow, to be about changing lives, and to multiply into many churches!
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 1 commentsThe Courage Of My 5 Year Old
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 commentsOn the ride home I was thinking about Emma's courage and asking myself - why is it so hard for us to have that kind of courage when it comes to our journey with God. Why am I so afraid to share my story with others. Why do I hesitate to ask my waitress what I can pray for? Why do I not talk to my neighbors more often? Why is it that my 5 year old daughter can get on a huge roller coaster (for a 5 year old) and not think twice about it and sometimes I find myself struggling to share my story with the lady that cuts my hair?
Then it came to me - I don't have the courage of my 5 year old. What did Jesus say? Come as a child (Matthew 18:3). I have so much to learn from my little girl. Her passion for life. Her amazing trust in God and her fearless heart. I want so much to be like my 5 year old daughter.
Anyway, today was a great day...a milestone in her little life - today was the day my 5 year old daughter rode Space Mountain for the first time and loved it! You know what her first words were when we got off the ride were? Let's do it again! Let's do it again! Maybe I will begin to have that kind of passion after I share my story tomorrow. Let's do it again! Let's do it again, God!
A Page Out of My Journal
Posted by: Ricc Conner, 0 comments"Deny Self" 9-4-07
"This is one of the only requirements that you made to follow you - deny myself, take up my cross and follow you (Mark 8:34). How does one live on the narrow road in Matthew 7:13 that always leads away from self - my road tends to lead me straight back to me. How do I get off this train wreck of self-gratification? How do I reflect everything to you in this very selfish culture? I want to submerge - no, I want to drown myself in you - dying to my self - and brought back to life with the true mark of one of your followers - self denial. So much to die to - my fears, my pride, my stubbornness, my "I can do it" attitude, my selfish desires. Could this dying to self be the home of joy? Does that fruit of the Spirit called joy live in this land of denying self? If so, I am ready, I am ready to dive in to the pool of denying self. I am ready to drown my selfishness and rescue my life of joy by taking up my cross, denying my self, and following You! Here I go - one, two, three - splash!"